Our world is made up of standards that tell us appropriate ways to do something. Standards can be seen everywhere. We are living in a digitally revolutionized world where innovation and advancement are happening everywhere around the globe. Along with millions of benefits, technology and digitalization also bring some insecurities and challenges for the world. Digitalization of services from individual to government level facilitates us in numerous ways, but companies and countries are also facing numerous challenges because of digitalization. In order to avoid the effects and negative impact of digitalization of tasks and services, every country set some standards. These standards vary based on the knowledge a country has and the level of digital integration to regulate digital services and formulate a limit of digital conduct to avoid digital complications. The United Kingdom is a country ranked among those who made the digital revolution rapidly and contribute to world countries to bring revolution in the world. The digital standard is defined as a technical standard that provides criteria or principles for smartphone devices and software devices. It includes digital rights, consumer reports, standards of security reports and numerous other rights and securities related to digital use. Digital standards also help teams and digital experts to establish that are fast, clear and simple.
In order to regulate digital standards throughout the state, these standards are communicated through the house of lords or communications standards. There are numerous companies that are operating businesses integrated with digital services. However, these companies are using technology and innovation to the benefit and enter the race of equality and digital innovation. The process to regulate and shape digital standards depends on the country’s code of conduct and legal structure. The Internet provides a detailed and vast knowledge without having a specific or universal regulator. In order to specify its uses and abuses, limitations and allowances, there is always a need to set a standard. For example, the United Kingdom’s digital standard recently set out ten sole principles that aim to deal with the regulatory framework of the digital landscape. Head of Data Science, lain Brown, SAS UK & Ireland argues that “the decision taken by the Lord Committee is absolutely right because we seriously need to govern the way consumers treat data and stations use of data. Technology and innovation are entering every field, and controlling these technologies’ monstrous effect can be controlled through an ethical approach. Governments across the world, whether of UK or US wants to limit technology intervention as an unethical player. Still, the question is whether tech players want to work that way or and whether they will allow these policies to intervene or not. Another argument about digital standards and protection of data is as follows; “As our lives move increasingly online, companies should treat our data (and decisions using that data) like any other personal possession – with care and respect. When talking about digital standards and regulations over activities related to the internet, the question that comes in mind is whether the implementation of digital standards is a need or a desire.
Over time illegal and wrongful use of technology and internet for the sake of hacking, invading individual’s property without their consent, and unallowed access and numerous other digital threats answering the question that setting out digital limits and digital standards is a need. There is a need to protect intellectual property rights to avoid these digital crimes and help content creators protect their content. Digital service standards serve as a consortium to put a full stop over acts of cyber-criminals. Along with thinking about digital standards and how different countries are putting efforts to enhance these standards, one fact cannot be ignored that limitations on the use of technology and innovation will restrict these countries’ reach towards change and modernization. The United Kingdom is home to millions of innovations that happened because of acceptance and unlimited use of the internet and innovative devices.
Original standards fit according to digital standards only when they address issues that violate laws in the original world and the digital world. Internet laws would be subject to defamation, copyright, trademark, data protection and numerous other types of criminal laws that might include; spread of fake news, personal data invasion, individual identity theft for political, or personal gain, and use of online platforms and target an individual identity for hate speech or annoy them by using negative words. The UK’s original standard aims to provide alternates of already existing standards instead of providing new laws that will not work for sure.
UK Principles of Original Standard
There could be different principles to assist standards established by government or corporations. Likewise, in the United Kingdom, original standards are supported by ten principles that make the UK original standard the best fit for the digital world.
- The first principle is parity, which means the same protection should be offered offline and online. The protection level for individuals means all the individuals will be protected under principles stated by the lord of the committee, and every member will be liable to protect each other.
- The second principle is accountability, that means every individual will be answerable and accountable for their actions.
- The third principle is transparency, and according to this principle companies and individuals will scrutinise each other and their role towards the public.
- Openness is the fourth principle of UK standards that says the internet should be open to changes and innovation.
- Privacy is the most important principle that aims to protect information and private affairs of individuals in public.
- The ethical design is the sixth principle that says design should be ethically designed in accordance with society and users.
- In order to protect inappropriate use of sources in digital environment age recognition is important.
- Human rights protection and equality among them is another principle that should be considered for the freedom and equality insurance.
- In order to enable citizens to navigate over the digital world and to grab opportunities awareness campaigns and education, promotion is another important principle of the UK standard.
- The last and tenth principle is democratic accountability and evidence-based approach that will help individuals to show support and pieces of evidence before getting involved in any matter or affair.
These standards or principles listed above will be implemented in a digital environment to regulate practices. If purely and efficiently enforced, these principles will bring positive outcomes and help the United Kingdom maintain a peaceful and secured digital environment for consumers and content providers.
According to researches and data available, UK original standards are built to help organizations and corporations responsible for what they are doing in the digital world. In the digital environment, original standards are introduced to measure or control illegal and ineffective initiatives by companies and government stakeholder. To say that original standards by the UK are a perfect fit for purpose would be wrong because these standards do not rightly stand for people, and not bring all goodness and wellness. In order to avoid illegal conduct in the digital environment and to protect public/human rights, countries have to compromise for their companies and corporations because technological and digital revolution grows out of boundaries.
The UK government lays stress on the validity, trace, track and test system compared to other countries; it is said not to fit for the purpose. With the changing digital landscape, the UK is investing more on its intellectual property and copyright issues. The statement is factually true that the UK is falling behind when it comes to comparative copyright and intellectual property rights. With the emergence of technology and innovation, concerns regarding copyrights and trademark have increased because researches and online publications increased instead of hard copy publications. Numerous industrial processes also made copyright a common thing because of the rise in internet cooperativeness. The United Kingdom also face numerous challenges when it comes to the maintenance of a legal framework to protect business sectors and industrial sectors.
Comparison of UK Original Standard with other Countries
In order to compete with the digitally developed world, Intellectual Property (IP) policy is an important condition or a tool that will be helpful in fostering economic growth. Across the world, different countries have selected original standards to protect companies and entrepreneurs from unauthorized access. For this sake, the country is investing huge amounts in intangible assets, and UK businesses are also investing in intangible assets that are recorded as $137 billion. IP licenses are also an important factor in the global trade that costs more than $600 billion, that causes a 5% increase in world trade. UK standards are not the best fit for the digital environment. Thus, there is a need to change IP laws. Digital technology includes copying images, text, and data, but the current standard serves as a barrier to meet real-world standards. Researches say that spending on IP and intellectual rights are required to dominate the economy because investments in trademarks, Ips and patents are not comprising most of the part of global GDP and world trade.
UK’s original standard needs to bring more changes to participate in global intangible assets trade and become competitive with other growing world economies and the digital environment. Years of research and bundle of sources reveal that the UK’s current original standard is not competitive enough to protect against online abuse. In order to rule and compete in the digital environment, countries need to establish strong standards and competitive solutions. The report of fit for purpose shows MNCs’ role in revolutionizing the world by depending on internet and technology. But digital standards and code of conduct by government and technology companies are not going in favour of open conduct of technology and the internet. Comparative to the United States the original standard fit for purpose is not appropriate.
Hurdles for Digitalization in the UK
Digitalization of businesses and other services brings a revolt across the world, and a major portion of the world economy depends on the digital economy and interactions. But in order to participate in digital wonders and to maintain the flow, protection of online properties or intellectual rights is crucial. A team of researchers come together to analyze the impact of digitalization on manufacturing and the benefits it brings for manufacturers. These researchers reveal that the digitalization of services and manufacturing industry increases productivity, which is the biggest achievement for every country. Digitalization of services holds numerous opportunities for the world, mainly in the manufacturing industry, thus to enclose higher opportunities the UK as whole and manufacturing companies will have to understand key terms, risks and challenges alongside. The major constraint for the UK to adopt an effective digital standard is the cost of technological services and shortage of skills. Although digitalization of services and manufacturing helps companies to interact with each other and share better solutions at the same time companies in the UK are not ready to embrace digital change and are not ready to bring collaborative positivity.
Comparative to other countries UK also have securities issues that affect its original standard, and the irony is that UK government and its companies knows about its security issues but failed to address these issues because of many reasons. For example, in the last few decades, humans have been replaced by robotics that seems good, but security issues caused by these replacements are not hidden anymore. Safety, quality, health and expensiveness are few highlighted ones. There is no quality control in digitally manufactured and digitally delivered work? Is it really the fact? Some countries like the United States proved it as merely an excuse because according to the quality can be managed on digital platforms by restricting and limiting practices and actions. This is where the UK as an innovative and advance company faces failure and backwardness in addressing its standards in the digital environment. for example, the claim about quality control by the US can be justified by the saying that there are processes introduced in place to analyze and interpret the quality of product ready to launch. There are specifications in place to match the standard and verify thus for the UK digital manufacturers. Content providers, there needs to build standards that will be traceable and analyze the originality of products.
Existing original standards of the United Kingdom are not fit for purpose in the digital environment because of numerous challenges, few are discussed above, and data-sharing is another. Developments of standards are also required here because existing standards varying by sectors, and also there are numerous gaps that need to be filled. Because of these sectors, wise differing standards, collaboration among all sectors is impossible, and it will be ineffective. This avoids the effective integration of UK companies in the digital world and avoids their collaboration on an international platform. In order to manage effective standards and to be the best fit for the digital environment, there needs to learn skills, training and invest more on security during digitalization. The UK can be a major player in the digital environment by handling its procedures effectively and by managing security. Building security models and digital business models can be an effective and positive choice. Security management and building new effective and strong standards should be the concern and major target of UK companies. There needs to have effective policies to support collaboration for cross-sectors and to promote collective growth. Strong digital standards promote collaboration between sectors, and this is the major output that countries are getting from the implementation of digital infrastructure in all sectors, whether learning or earning.
The Course of Action
After analyzing gaps in existing original standards of the United Kingdom and stated principles of digital standards of the country’s digital environment integration, the clear course of action could be the establishment of a regulatory framework – but sometimes only one solution cannot be enough to change the game. Same is the case for the UK. It is true that digitalization is raising challenges for the country and for numerous sectors. The call to collaboration among cross-sectors through regulation digital platforms and integration over these platforms is crucial. Government approach and advancement of legal infrastructure is required to embrace change and innovation in the country. Enforcement on an individual or corporate level could be ineffective or might bring ineffective outcomes. Digital transformation from ineffective and insecure structure to an effective and positive structure is also crucial or might be the first step towards the right path. A diverse and broad range of self-determined and withheld stakeholders are required to foster change in the digital world and its existing standards. In order to protect patents, trademarks, and effectivity of copyrights new standards should be introduced and practised.
A research statement shows that jurisdiction of the United Kingdom is emphasizing on the engagement of stakeholders in the digital world and train them to be answerable about their actions. The report also reveals that these stakeholders will also put quality control standards to manage effectivity and accuracy in all its operations. Another statement argues that “The 2018 Digital Charter of the United Kingdom brought together the government, the tech sector, and businesses and civil society to collectively address the challenges of digitalization and find solutions. This involves making it as easy as possible for citizens to give their views and harnessing the ingenuity of the tech sector, and to look to them for answers to specific technological challenges.” Huge consumer support and integration of companies and content providers on an international platform will be helpful for the United Kingdom to keep their standards high and competitive.
Standards of the digital environment are getting high day today and to keep up with the race, there needs to fill existing gaps as early as possible. The purpose of digitalization is to grab opportunities, automate functions, satisfy consumers and to bring change in all respective fields. This could happen only when standards will be effectively met by eliminating all security threats. While digitalizing services, operations and procedures making security concerns are higher. From all the ten principles discussed above to meet with digital standards privacy, accountability, transparency and ethical design are few principles that show UK policymakers understand the importance of security and protection in the online platform and are willing to protect the individual, corporation and country privacy and statuses. Thus, instead of only formulating regulatory framework, there needs to consider all these actions that can make the UK original standards fit for purpose.
In conclusion, UK original standards are somewhat not fit for purpose in the digital environment, and there are numerous reasons highlighted in the paper. The biggest reason that can be concluded after research and analysis of its existing standards and efforts that digital experts, policymakers, government and other stakeholders are making, is the lack of effective security measures. There are no effective and completely preserved copyrights, patents, trademarks and other text, media and important content protectors. There are ten principles highlighted in the paper that the country aims to work on and opt those principles to redefine its entrance in the digital environment. Researches reveal that day-to-day digitalization standards and innovation in every sector are increasing and thus, the competition is strengthening.
Thus, to meet with the competitive digitalized content to grab more opportunities, the country needs to redefine its digital standards. While redefining the element that needs to be focused on is its security measures and digital potential to create unique and effective contributions. Researches also reveal that if the UK did not wake up in the next five years, it would be impossible for the country to meet with international digitalized world standards and be left over from international players.
Development of key standards in academic, manufacturing, production, industrial, institutional and in numerous other sectors is crucial along with the allocation of effective laws of protection. The paper discusses UK original standards and also compare it with the rest of the world or some ranked countries like the US to show highlighted gaps between two companies. The course of action is also highlighted in the paper.
This is Izzah, a content writer and editor who creates SEO-friendly content and has experience in academic writing. Backed by 10 years of experience in writing and editing, she is equipped with the skill to create content that is backed by thorough research and has impeccable structure.