8th Grade Argumentative Essay Example

Grade 8 Argumentative Essay Examples

Topic: Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools?

Thesis Statement: The determination to either ban or permit cell phones in schools is complex, considering factors such as their potential to enhance learning and safety, their capacity to cause distractions, compromise academic integrity, and elevate the risk of cyberbullying. Striking a balance between reaping the benefits and addressing the associated risks is essential for formulating a comprehensive and effective policy on the use of cell phones in educational institutions.


Allowing cell phones in schools or not has been a topic for debate that has been continuing for years, primarily because it is multifaceted in nature and is dependent on numerous factors. This topic is an excellent choice of argumentative essay examples for grade 8 since it argues about the use of cellphones in schools.8th Grade Argumentative Essay Example Supporters of the use of cellphones in schools believe that these devices provide security that enhances learning whereas the opponents negate the notion by arguing that it is disruptive in nature. In this essay we will look into both sides of the argument and have a look at multiple factors to evaluate if cell phones should be allowed in schools or not.

Pros of Allowing Cell Phones in Schools

  • Enhanced Learning

Enhanced learning is one of the most convincing arguments in favor of schools allowing the use of cell phones on the premises since they can be valuable educational tools. Provided the internet access, students get the opportunity to look up information, conduct research on their topics and use educational apps to support the learning. Take the history class for instance, where you are studying World Wars and can instantly have access to primary sources to validate your statements. Not only this, you get access to several related videos and interactive maps to enrich the understanding of the topic. This is one factor that acknowledges the amazing role technology plays in modern education.
  • Emergency Communication

One of the greatest benefits of cellphones being introduced to the world is communication, it is a means of communication especially in case of emergencies, which is very relatable in the world today. You are lost, someone is following you, you are hurt or need urgent help, you have a device right in the palm of your hands which you can use to get instant help. Moreover, parents can reach their children anytime they want, check on them, know their location and be aware of how they are doing at a certain point in time. Also the students have the opportunity to seek assistance from the authorities if need be. This sense of security is crucial and extremely helpful in emergency situations where quick communication makes all the difference.
  • Digital Resources

Cellphones in general carry several digital resources, allowing cellphones in school provides an opportunity to access this wealth of digital resources which, when used correctly, can add to the dynamic learning environment of today’s era. The cell phone becomes resourceful when the students get to carry e-books, online study material and education applications in their cellphones. Furthermore, this also reduces the need for heavy backpacks loaded with physical textbooks. The practice of using cellphones not only lightens the burden, but also enhances the learning experience which makes the lessons more engaging and interactive.

Cons of Allowing Cell Phones in Schools

  • Distractions

The biggest drawback of using cellphones is its addictive nature, which is why the opponents advise against it in schools because students can easily get distracted. While cell phones have a lot of educational purposes, students may also use them from non-educational activities such as chatting with friends, gaming or browsing social media. These non-educational activities are distracting and take up a lot of time, they can disrupt the learning environment and have the ability to easily detract from the lesson. This factor emphasized the importance of focusing in a classroom which is why they argue against using the cellphone in school.
  • Academic Integrity

Allowing cellphones in school is a concern for academic integrity as easy access to information is a concern for compromising fair assessments. With access to the cellphones, the students can be inclined to look up for answers to test questions and share information with their peers during exams which not only undermines the integrity of the assessments but also counts as cheating. This practice brings in the honesty of the educational process in questions and is something that no educational institute would want to be questioned about.
  • Cyberbullying

Increase in risk of cyberbullying is another factor that contributes to the factors against the use of cellphones. It basically highlights the significance of the protection of the students well-being which is the school’s responsibility when they are on the premises. Moreover, students can misuse these devices to harass or bully their peers through hurtful messages, spreading rumors or sharing inappropriate photos. This practice can lead to emotional distress and affect the mental health of students inside and outside of the classroom.


The debate above shows the arguments of whether to allow cellphones in schools or not. The decision is complex because it is influenced by several factors. Although the utilization of cellphones can enrich learning, instill a sense of security, and provide access to a wealth of digital resources, they also possess the capacity to divert students’ attention, compromise academic integrity, and heighten the risk of cyberbullying, thereby jeopardizing their overall well-being. A balanced approach that considers the benefits and mitigate the drawbacks is required by the school management. The decision to pick a side needs careful consideration so that it takes into account the unique need of technology and the circumstances relevant to each educational institution.
izzah ahmed

This is Izzah, a content writer and editor who creates SEO-friendly content and has experience in academic writing. Backed by 10 years of experience in writing and editing, she is equipped with the skill to create content that is backed by thorough research and has impeccable structure.

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